Buy Michael Jordan's Mansion, Get Every Pair of Air Jordans for Free

The $14.85 million spot just got slightly more enticing.


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by Brendan Dunne

Real estate agent Kofi Nartey is serious about selling Michael Jordan's $14.85 million mansion in the suburbs of Chicago. So serious that he made a series of YouTube videos, seen here, as a sales pitch. So serious that he's now offering a closet full of Air Jordans to the eventual buyer.

Nartey told Maxim that he would get "a pair of every edition of signature Air Jordans" for whoever ends up buying the house. Of course, the total worth of 29 pairs of Air Jordans is probably pocket change to the kind of person with enough money to make a purchase like this, but one can't blame Nartey for trying to sweeten the deal.

After his first two videos for the Michael Jordan estate blew up on the Internet in the past couple days, Nartey's uploaded a new clip showing off the island situated out back. One almost hopes that the house never sells so that Nartey's stream of hyped-up real estate videos never ends.


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